Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Running out of comission

Its confirmed.... i am lopsided...according to the podiatrist... and x ray photos of my hip.... im oficially 6mm shorter on my right leg as compared to my left... 

Causing me to have problems with my "TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE MUSCLE"

This fusiform muscle lies on the lateral side of the thigh, enclosed between two layers of the fascia lata, which form its sheath. The deep layer of its sheath is fused with the anterior surface of the capsule of the hip joint. Its attachments, nerve supply, and main actions are given in Table 5-1. As its name implies, it tightens the fascia lata, thereby enabling the thigh muscles to act with increased power. It also tightens the iliotibial tract , enabling the gluteus maximus muscle to keep the knee joint in the extended position. In addition. when in the standing position, it steadies the trunk on the thigh and counteracts the posterior pull of the gluteus maximus on the iliotibial tract. FROM: Clinical Oriented Anatomy.

Dammit...another roadblock in my perlude to marathon... gotta train slowly again sigh... its really hard for a fat guy to run..

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