Monday, July 28, 2008

Cant run...but can cook :)

When you dont run, you have a lot of time to do other stuff... with my reserve of Frozen pasta sauce running low... time to whip up a batch of home made meat balls with cream, 'al Fredo' style..

Nb: Ingredients are fresh, including meatballs... however for the base sauce,its more economical to cook from the jar than to actually cook from scratch...thats the, table cream + stock + cheese and thickener...

Panchetta... need i say more... lovely lovely pork.... slurpp

I gave a batch of the sauce and pasta to a good friend of mine.. apparently her very clever dog "Rum" was smart enough to take 1 pack of pasta " Penne rigate" and 1 pack of sauce... and had a great Sunday Meal... its a dogs life

The culprit... looking all so innocent" it wasnt me"

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